Saturday, June 22, 2013

My life so far...

It's been so long since I wrote something here... Gotta keep my blog updated... Okay so, these past few months had been good and not so good but still I'm grateful that I'm surviving my everyday. 
So my job is okay, though right now I can't really see myself staying in this job for a very long time, not even more than so years... two years is just like the maximum. Been working here for two months already and honestly, I'm not really happy about my job, although well sometimes I find it okay but still...still I don't really like it but I know I have to deal with it. Now I can say I miss teaching english online. I think that's a lot better than being on this kind of job.
My life here in Bahrain is a whole lot different. I think the only thing that I like being here is when I go shopping, shopping here is fun 😊
When it comes to places here to go to, well, there's not really a lot to go go.... 
I miss the Philippines. I miss the simple and even mundane life there. I'm just like here for work and not really much of life.
I miss going to the beach... I miss the summer back home... I miss home.
I wonder what my life gonna be in two years... 
Sometimes I just wanna get out of here buy I'm glad that there are people who keep me going, who inspire me.
I believe that things happen for a reason and one day things gonna make sense...
Help me God to get through this...

Friday, June 7, 2013


Just the usual Friday. We went to church then went to City Centre. Had our lunch in a Filipino restaurant and we're quite happy about their food.
Our first time to eat in this Filipino restaurant and we're surprised on the food that they served. The food was just delicious and we're quiet satisfied.


I was surprised that I actually like their tea, I mean I'm not a big tea fan but they've got really good tea