Sunday, September 23, 2012

keep going

It's been four months since I last checked this site. I just realized I want to keep this blog...for my own benefits. It's good to keep track of all those days that I've been here and the memories that I have while I am in the island. I say there's really nothing new that's going on in my life. I think it's just the mundane day to day living (but at least I'm still alive and I still get to shop somehow haha). So let me just recall what I've been up to for the last 4 months. Of course there's the usual complain about boredom but there are some sunshine too.
SO for now, I guess I just have to live each day coz there's really nothing I can do about it, yeah seriously. Maybe it is still true that some of the best things in our life is yet to come. Till then.